went to geylang once agin for our supper , on the way there , mum called , told me her nose bleed , go fetch her at sembawang , whole ride was so funny , she was in the front seat , she has to hide my cigarette haha , went up to my house , i look at her , she look at me , WHY we at home ? whole family saw her , lucky no comment hahaha ! then went to have our supper , after that nth to do , suggest go to marina south play game , don ask me play wat game , we all play children game , play marvel vs capcom till the joy stick gonna broke off sooner or later :)) she drove my car , i was like a tester , overall can la , lazy to change gear nia . after that we went to the heavy vehicle car park , that car park no lamp post de , so is fucking dark , we r not monkey hor , we r zoo keeper !! high beam , on my spot light go in , look ard , nth , then i turn to my left , guess wat , i saw some one in white walk past at the other end , then i faster u-turn speed off le , how come got ppl walk ard at there 3 o'clock in the morning , the Q is that a human ? drove past little india , see the light decoration . another day gone , so tiring !!